Thursday, January 17, 2008

The greatness of Storytime

As some of you know, Thursday mornings for us has consisted of going to storytime at the local library. I have really enjoyed this time with Lauren and now with both Lauren and Taylor. It's fun to watch all the little babies enjoying a book, doing fingerplays, dancing and bouncing along to a song. It is equally enjoyable to watch my girls react to the environment. Lauren is most definitely a watcher...she keeps an eye on everyone and everything that is happening and very rarely joins in to sing or dance, even to the songs she is familiar with. Instead, she saves it all for our drive home and then when we get home. It's like she keeps it all bottled up inside and then will chatter constantly as we make our way home. Taylor seems to get a kick out of seeing all the other children and is smiling and laughing away...she may be a little less of a watcher and a little more of a doer but it may be a little early to tell for sure.
Today, after choosing some books and making our way to the was windy, very chilly and windy...I was carrying Taylor and Lauren was walking beside me, very slowly might I add and I was just waiting for the "up" to come out of her cold, shivering mouth...suddenly, this sweet "grandma" asks if she can help and carry Lauren to our car. I, of course responded with a thankful "yes". Instead of trekking to the car slowly, we were there much faster thanks to the kindness of a stranger...and I didn't have to try to carry two babies. That, my friends, is the greatness of storytime.

1 comment:

Katie B said...

Yay for Storytime! Makes up for the time you had to miss due to the road rage that ensued after the snowbirds cut you off, doesn't it?? :)